ProFundCom Product & Service Notification 28th January 2025
As a user of the ProFundCom platform, we want to notify you that it has undergone some changes. We will send these notifications every time the platform is updated.
Event Manager Updates
Impact: Medium
Sections: Event Manager
Description: Below are a list of updates to the Event Manager that have been requested and now implemented
You can now check-in a list of attendees via a csv file.
On the check-in screen, there’s a new button which will open a dialog. From there you can choose a csv file containing a list of attendees.
The only required column is ‘email’ although you can also add the order reference numbers – this will allow it to tell people apart if you have more than one attendee using the same email address. In the event that it finds two attendees who share an email and you have not provided order references, it will check in the first it finds; you can tick ‘check-in all duplicates’ and it will check in all matching attendees.
Opened, Read and Click engagements
Opened, Read and Click engagements are now displayed in the Email History view. You can see email history for a whole event using the button at the top of the Attendees screen, or view it for individuals using the Actions dropdown on the right.
Bounces are now logged by the Event Manager – previously it would fetch the bounce list from the main ProFundCom platform, and show a Bounce icon if any email addresses in the event matched. It still has this functionality however it will also monitor bounces from the Event Manager emails themselves. These will also show the icon in the Attendee list but you can also view them in the Email History view.
Email Templates
Templates now contain a ‘Reply to’ name and address field. These function in a similar way to the existing ‘From’ name & address – you can specify an event-level setting in the Event Customisation and the Template Editor will allow you to override this per-template.
Unlike the From name & address, you can leave the Reply-to fields blank and the sent email will just use the ‘From’ settings when a recipient replies (this is the standard behaviour across email in general).
Event Customisation
The title and heading on the Event Page can now be adjusted, from the Event Page tab on the Customise screen.
The date format on the Event page can now be formatted – click ‘show date format options’. As you change the options, a preview example will be generated, and the event page preview will be updated. Remember you will need to click Save Changes.