Get In Touch

Interested in knowing more about Marketing automation for hedge funds and asset managers?

ProFundCom support is available during UK and US (PST and EST) business hours.

Find out more about the support we offer. Whilst we are more than happy to take calls and receive emails directly, raising a support request helps us to track and respond to issues more efficiently.


New York



ProFundCom support is available during UK and US (PST and EST) business hours.

T: +44 (0)20 7060 2140

Find out more about the support we offer. Whilst we are more than happy to take calls and receive emails directly, raising a support request helps us to track and respond to issues more efficiently.

To raise a support issue click here

ProFundCom was without doubt the single most valuable piece of software I ever used. It shone a light on our sales process for the first time... and revealed how thoroughly we’d been in the dark.
Glenn Bagley, CEO, Eddington Capital Management