ProFundCom and ‘Zombie’ Leads with Old Shoes
And here’s where I put my marketer’s hat on and suggest that old shoes are like old contacts: they shouldn’t be thrown away carelessly as you streamline your expanding database and improve your targeting techniques.
Old shoes shouldn’t be written off, nor should ageing database contacts
It was a bittersweet day last week when, drawn like a moth to the post-Christmas/pre-Easter conflagration – sorry, sales – on venerable Jermyn Street in Mayfair, I picked up a pair of ready-made Oxford semi-brogues from New & Lingwood, erstwhile supplier to Etonians old and new.
I say bittersweet because the new pair is supplanting a stoic old pair of cap-toes I got in New York a few years ago. Last year I dutifully resoled the ageing pair on Air Street in London at Tony’s Heel Bar – which, sadly, serves neither drinks nor conviviality – but the years of happy walking and idle neglect are finally getting the better of the uppers, so to speak.
Yet I can’t bring myself to get rid of them. What is it about one’s old formal shoes? Call me nostalgic, but unless they’re really unsalvageable I can’t; they’re the bourgeois equivalent – for men, anyway – of the old T-shirt you just can’t throw away. They represent clients you’ve won, friends you’ve socialised with, and opera you’ve been dragged to (causing additional heel wear).
Indeed, a funny thing may happen on the way to the cobbler, the shoes become more valuable than they were originally. They become hip, vintage even. Properly preserved, they may even ascend to that hallowed place occupied by your well-worn jeans. At the very least, they simply fit. For now, I’ll settle for the latter.
ProFundCom and zombie leads
And here’s where I put my marketer’s hat on and suggest that old shoes are like old contacts: they shouldn’t be thrown away carelessly as you streamline your expanding database and improve your targeting techniques.
Any email app can tell you when email addresses bounce back. But of your accurate contacts, how do you know which are worth keeping and which are dead wood? Well, at ProFundCom, the experts in hedge fund marketing and sales software, we let you do that by alerting you when dormant contacts – people who haven’t read your materials for six months or more – come to life. I call these ‘zombie leads’.
What’s more, ProFundCom will tell you what your revived zombies have read, and when they read it – allowing you to tailor your follow-up accordingly.
Back to the cutting board
Did I say tailor? Yes, well, here I go to my local tailor to patch a hole in a treasured wool Emile Lafaurie pullover. Maybe it’s simply a sign of our impecunious times. Or maybe I know there’s more gold to be mined in them thar hills…
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