Published: 6 February, 2021

When Is The Best Time And Day To Send Emails For Fund Marketing

When you are sending emails looking to raise assets it is important to give it the best chance to be read. Ultimately most fund marketers are looking for the best time to send an email to a busy person who could be an investor or a prospect.

At ProFundCom, this information is available in our platform and also compares the industry’s best time to send again your own. There is a lot of generic information out there in relation to the best time to send emails out but none for fund marketing. So we have made that information available from the 300 users of our platform for 2020 and is in the chart below:

                          Best time to send emails in fund marketing


The next question that naturally follows is which day is the best day to send emails. Here is what we have gathered from nearly 300 users of the ProFundCom platform. The days that work seem to be slightly counter-intuitive but at least it answers the question “can you send emails on Sunday!” or “Can you send emails over the weekend!”.

                                                                                                            Best day to send emails in fund marketing

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