What Was the Marketing Sentiment for Asset Managers, Wealth Managers and Hedge Funds in August 2022?
The chart below shows the sentiment across the main financial sectors in August 2022.
Sentiment Tracking from the last 18 months
Investment Management
Asset Management
Wealth Management
Hedge Funds
The aim of this service is to help our clients and fellow marketers in finance use the latest AI and Machine Learning tools to fine-tune their messaging. Understanding the sentiment of the market you operate in is critical in the tone of your organisation’s communication to prospects and investors.
Sentiment analysis is the automated process that uses AI to identify positive, negative, and neutral opinions within an incredibly broad set of data. Market sentiment refers to the overall attitude of investors toward a particular security or financial market or topic. It is the feeling or tone of a market, or its crowd psychology, as revealed through the activity in that market. In broad terms, rising prices indicate bullish market sentiment, while falling prices mean bearish market sentiment. Whilst this has been the preserve of traders in the past, ProFundCom has now made this accessible to marketing professionals in these monthly articles and in our platform.
If you want to find out how ProFundCom can help you use digital marketing to raise assets schedule a demo here