Published: 21 February, 2021

REPLAY::Email Marketing 101: What Every Fund Needs to Know

REPLAY::Email Marketing 101: What Every Fund Needs to Know

Since the pandemic struck, we’ve been busy helping small and mid-size funds that, quite suddenly, have needed to up their digital game. What’s become apparent is that most are faced with similar challenges and concerns, so we wanted to put together a series of short but informative webinars covering the basics.

First up is a session on the fundamentals of email marketing that you need to have in place to ensure your efforts are on the right foot from the very start.

Email marketing is one of the most important elements in any digital strategy and it is no different for hedge funds. It remains the most effective way to distribute regular communications such as factsheets and newsletters as well as ad-hoc updates and market commentary. What’s more, great analytics should then pave the way for the business development team to connect with a potential investor.

We covered:

– Email delivery in simple terms
– The simple checks you need to do before you press send
– Which email content performs the best?
– Campaign management and the analytics you need to be using
– Email marketing solutions – does it matter which one you use?

Click here to access the replay

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