Published: 1 September, 2021

The Month in Digital Marketing for Finance – September 2021

The ProFundCom team has curated the best events, opinions, insights and resources relating to digital marketing from the previous month as well as looking forwards to the month ahead. The team not only look to bring you the best articles for investment managers and hedge funds but also articles, in general, that marketers find useful.

Sentiment Tracking

Post of the Month

Kurtosys – Five ways to boost your value(s) through content

Investors are seeking to stabilize relationships with investment firms they trust. These bonds become stronger for those whose values are well aligned and integrated, and weaker for those who are not. Asset managers must offer more than just product value. It must run deeper. But you cannot simply tag on environmental, social and governance (ESG) labels. Customers take ESG as a serious part of the decision-making process. Read more


Cognito – Return to events – what will they look like and how to approach them?

With Covid-19 restrictions gradually lifting in the coming weeks, the business community and the events industry, in particular, is breathing a sigh of relief. The easing of social distancing restrictions in the UK means that in-person events and conferences for 30+ attendees can return but it’s clear that things will not return to how they once were. The pandemic proved that virtual events can be cost-effective and compelling, allowing greater reach and engagement with a more global and hard-to-reach audience. They allowed us to maintain connections with peers, learn and collaborate, as well as experiment with new technology. But creating those impromptu moments when you happen run to into an old contact in the conference hall has not been easy. We are getting a sense that people want to get away from their desks and away from the distractions of working online. Read more

Marketing Week – Do you have a marketing philosophy?

Do you have a philosophy for how marketing communications work for your brand? I don’t mean a strategy or plan. I mean a vision that’s articulated simply, compellingly, inspiringly. For most marketing people the honest answer is probably no, although I suspect it’s a bit more common amongst marketers at the ‘brand’ end of the marketing continuum than the ‘performance’ end. Read more

ProFundCom – 3 Ways to Use Your Website for Effective Fund Marketing

Your website is the most important marketing platform you have. Anyone who wants more information on your fund or organization is likely to head there at some point of the sales process. And effective website marketing is more important than ever, as the new generation of digitally-connected investors are providing their own financial advice by accessing online content – which has been accelerated by the pandemic. So, it stands to reason that you should put time and effort into making sure your site creates the best possible image of your firm and your fund. Yet so many companies fail to do this and rely on websites that are outdated, confusing and of little use. View replay



The ProFundCom Digital Marketing Benchmark provides real-time access to all of ProFundCom’s digital marketing data from over the last 15 years, giving users the ability to compare how their marketing campaigns are performing versus sector peers. Further detail of how other organisations are carrying out similar processes and the associated results are also available. The anonymised data is over 10 terabytes in size (which interestingly is the amount of data produced by the Hubble Space Telescope per year!) and will be split into different industry sectors as well as AuM. Access ProFundCom Benchmarking here

Market Sentiment

The chart below shows the sentiment across the main financial sectors in August 2021.


For more details on this month’s market sentiment click here


Free Tools

As a fund marketer, testing your email marketing campaigns on different devices and email clients is one of the most important tasks. Couple that with compliance, avoiding the JUNK folder, and avoiding getting added to blacklists. What most fund marketers have found is that generic mailing platforms just don’t have that ability. Whilst ProFundCom has this built into our platform, we have made this available as a free service if you are a financial marketer. If you provide us with the HTML in the form below we will run the following tests on the email

Instant Previews – Instantly see how your email will appear on over 70 different email clients
Instant Blacklist Report – See whether your sending address is blacklisted on popular domain blacklists
Instant SPAM Check – Rate how likely your email will end up in Junk folders
Instant Compliance – Compare your email’s content against compliance heuristics

If you want to find out how ProFundCom can help you use digital marketing to raise assets schedule a demo here

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