Published: 23 March, 2011

ProFundCom tracks who is reading on which mobile device – iPhone, BlackBerry or Android

As the smart phone revolution moves forwards, a new challenge is in creating content that works on multiple devices and knowing who is reading  your information on those devices. Since these devices do not use open standards the “traditional” methods of tracking will not work.

A number of clients have approached us wanting to know if it was possible to track which mobile devices are most popular for their content and should they create mobile specific content. We are even getting request to confirm if it is worth building an iPhone App for a hedge fund to send their performance numbers to. A considerable investment if you don’t know how many people are accessing your content from iPhone devices.

ProFundCom has solved these issues so that you know who is reading on which device and as a result you can tailor your email and web communications to best fit your audience.

These details are available in your reports in the Campaign Report section of your secure application.

We do hope that you find this feature useful and will assist in making your communications more effective and relevant.

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