Published: 29 April, 2023

ProFundCom Product & Service Notification 29th April 2023

As a user of the ProFundCom platform, we want to notify you that there have been some changes to the platform. We will be sending these notifications every time there are updates to the platform.

Email Template Outlook Editor
Impact: Medium
Section: Template Designer
Description: We have introduced a new editor that provides email templates with an Outlook look and feel. This enables users to generate bulk emails with a much more personalised look and feel.

Creating Bulk Emails in Outlook

Searching Images
Impact: Medium
Section: Template Designer
Description: Users can now search for images based on filenames when selecting images from the Gallery section of the template editors.

Search images in email templates for hedge funds

Font Preview
Impact: Low
Section: Drag and Drop Template Designer
Description: Fonts can now be previewed on the font selection drop-down in the drag-and-drop editor

Revised Font Menu For Marketing Automation for hedge funds

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