Published: 21 January, 2024

Mass Unintentional Unsubscribes from Mailing Lists

Many email automation platform users have seen mass unsubscribes with an odd behaviour pattern when sending out emails.

This is happening mainly from .edu, .gov or .org emails or institutional fund manager addresses. Reports show that every link in the email was clicked simultaneously, including the unsubscribe link, which caused the issue. These users didn’t want to unsubscribe and are now not able to resubscribe.

Those platforms tell us this is an issue with external spam filters being updated to a new level of security and stringency. The only solution is to contact those users’ domains individually and ask to be specifically listed. This isn’t a sustainable option with any list size, especially as the problem keeps escalating. What is also frustrating is that this also has yet to happen every time.

Aggressive spam filters will 100% unsubscribe your contacts, and if your content in a particular email is deemed spammy by those filters, there is nothing these platforms can do about that.

ProFundCom has developed a solution to this problem, and it is available to all our clients.

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