Published: 18 December, 2020

How Can A Fund Marketing Team Use A CRM To Help Sales?

In fund marketing, the ultimate purpose of a CRM is to provide pertinent information to sales, through analysis data that tracks the journey of prospects and existing clients to help understand their motivations, likes and dislikes. There are loads of great CRM systems out there for our industry CRM systems out there like Navatar, Satuit, Clienteer, Dynamo, Backstop and FolioMetrics.

This type of behavioural analysis enables you to provide four core metrics to sales. Firstly, prospects who are highly engaged with pretty much everything you send to them, so are ripe for the picking by sales. Secondly, investors who are invested in one fund but are engaging with content related to things they are not invested in, thus presenting a cross-selling opportunity. Thirdly, prospects who are reengaging with your content after a dormant period, suggesting they may be thinking of investing again. Finally, investors who have stopped engaging with your content, suggesting they are a redemption risk and may need a call from sales.

If you want to find out how ProFundCom can help you use digital marketing to raise assets schedule a demo here

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